iKON, B5+2 or B6+1? Two Scenarios

2014-11-05 11:21 am

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[OSEN=선미경 기자] As the fifth member of YG Entertainment’s new boy group iKON has been announced, interest in the remaining two is growing high.

Five members of iKON announced until the 5 this month include B.I, BOBBY, KIM JINHWAN, KOO JUNHOE, and SONG YUNHYEONG, who appeared in cable channel Mnet’s survival audition show “WIN: WHO IS NEXT” as Team B. Since all contestants of MIX & MATCH have already proven their talent in the show, any one of them is qualified to fill the remaining two vacancies to become the member of iKON.

# ‘WIN’ Team B+1?

The members of iKON confirmed so far include B.I, BOBBY, KIM JINHWAN, KOO JUNHOE, and SONG YUNHYEONG. They are the ones who competed in Team B of “WIN”. Since they have survived two survival auditions “WIN” and MIX & MATCH, their potential has already been fully proven.

If KIM DONGHYUK becomes one of the remaining two yet-to-be-selected members, Team B will reunite as a team once again. Team B has already performed on the stage of YG Family concert and has built big recognition through past two survivals, so they will give a strong support to iKON.

More than anything, Team B members surprised YG Family by showing a remarkably evolved talent than in “WIN”. Their vocal line that was not that highly evaluated in “WIN”, drew much attention from episode 1, showing an eye-catching growth.

If KIM DONGHYUK joins iKON as a member, fans will be able to see performance of WIN Team B, who has already garnered big fandom like that of idol singers, and proven outstanding talent.

# New-Faces To Fill Remaining Two Vacancies?

Team B may not be able to reunite once again. Two new faces may join five from Team B, to become iKON. Other than already-confirmed five members, JUNG JINHYEONG, JUNG CHANWOO, YANG HONGSEOK, and KIM DONGHYUK are waiting for selection. If the two to be announced are new faces, a whole new team different from Team B will be born.

Team B has already built a strong fandom and proven full potential to perform on the stage. If new faces become the two additional members of iKON, they will have a different color and show a wider variety of performances on the stage.

All the members of MIX & MATCH, along with Team B members, have already built recognition and proven their potential through survival auditions. Any one of them can grow sufficiently, after joining iKON.

iKON whose talent has been fully proven through survival audition. As interest in them is growing higher, people are paying keen attention to what kind of performance they will show to the public and surprise music fans.

2014. 11. 5.