Beginning to Sweep Music Charts… All Songs of AKMU are Captivating Music Market

2014-04-08 10:57 am


[엑스포츠뉴스=한인구 기자] AKMU’s debut album released on the 7 is showing a great potential. Recently, it has been hard to see all songs of an album take top places on music charts for a long time, but AKMU is making the beginning of such phenomenon once again. Songs of AKMU’s first album “PLAY” are still in top places on real-time music charts of music-streaming websites as of 8am on the 8.

On Bugs Music’s real-time chart, all the 11 songs of AKMU’s debut album are placed in top 11 notches, which is an unbelievable achievement. “200%” in in the first place and “GIVE LOVE” is in the second, followed by “MELTED”, “GALAXY”, “LITTLE STAR”, “ARTIFICIAL GRASS”, “DON’T HATE ME”, “ON THE SUBWAY”, “ANYWAY”, “IDEA”, and finally “HAIR PART” in the named order. It is a very rare case for all the songs in an album to be ranked in top places of real-time charts, so AKMU’s successful debut is now being sealed.

On Soribada, all the songs of AKMU’s debut album are taking top 12 places with Yoon Min Soo and Shin Yong Jae’s “Connection” in the 8th place. Furthermore, AKMU’s songs are also crowding top ten places on NAVER Music, Daum Music, Mnet Music, Genie, Monkey 3, and Cyworld, too.

On Melon’s real-time chart, “200%” is the No.1 and “MELTED” is in the 4th place, “GIVE LOVE” in the 5th, and “ON THE SUBWAY” on the 10th.

With the appearance of AKMU, “Some” of SoYou and JunggiGo and songs of Girls’ Generation and 2NE1 who caught eye with their so-called “March War” are put behind on the chart. People are paying keen attention to if AKMU will be able to be loved by music fans for a long time on chart, in the current music market where the life span of music has become shorter.

2014. 4. 8.